
May 27, 1960: The first meeting of Messiah Lutheran Church took place at the Charles Brothers residence, 2415 24th Street. Pastors Bernard Raabe and A. Beversdorf were present as representatives of the Mission Board South Wisconsin District, as were the following persons representing the initial members of the Missouri Synod’s first congregation in Kenosha: Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. William Goeres, Mr. David Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sheridan, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Starr.

September 25, 1960: Temporary officers of this congregation were installed by Pastor Raabe: Mr. Merle Sheridan, Chairman; Mr. Charles J. Brothers, Treasurer; Mr. William Goeres, Secretary. On this day, the initial call for a pastor was made.

January 2, 1961: This date marked the change in location of Messiah Lutheran Church to the Women’s Club, 6028 8th Avenue for its meetings and worship.

February 15, 1961: The first worship service was held on this Ash Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. conducted by Pastor Bernard Raabe. Forty-nine persons were present. Mr. Wickert was appointed Sunday School Superintendent and Mr. Roland Buechner and Mr. Thomas Starr as Finance Committee to assist the Treasurer. It was decided to have services at 9:00 A.M. with the Sunday School and Adult Bible Class at 10:15 A.M.

March 1, 1961: The congregation learned that Pastor D.G. Hansen had accepted their call from Christ Lutheran Church, Cocoa Beach, Florida.

March 13, 1961: Our first meeting with Pastor and Mrs. Hansen. Charter membership of Messiah Lutheran Church closed on this date.

March 26, 1961: Pastor D. G. Hansen was installed on this Palm Sunday. An installation fellowship was held that evening.

March 31, 1961: Pastor Hansen conducted Messiah’s first communion service, on Good Friday. Fifty-seven were in attendance and thirty-nine communed.

April 2, 1961: Easter Sunday. Messiah’s first Sunday morning worship service. There were 68 present and 26 children enrolled in Sunday School. The Sunday School staff comprised: Mr. Charles Brothers, Mrs. Roland Buechner, Mr. William Goeres, Mrs. William Goeres, Mr. Merle Sheridan, Mrs. Anthony Van Strien, and Mrs. Thomas Starr, Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. Starr began serving as Church Secretary to the Pastor.

April 23, 1961: The first baptism at Messiah Lutheran, the first Missouri Synod congregation in Kenosha, by the first pastor, who baptized his first child, Timothy Mark Hansen.

June 4, 1961: Messiah’s first fellowship to welcome new members; ninety-two persons attended.

July 8, 1961: Vol. 1, No. 1 Messiah Messenger- a monthly newsletter to keep members informed on church matters and activities.

September 14, 1961: First Lutheran Women’s Missionary league formed at Messiah: Mrs. Merle Sheridan, President; Mrs. Patrick Murray, Vice-President; Mrs. Ronald Murray, Secretary; Mrs. Elmer Schmidt, Treasurer.

April 8, 1962: On this day, messiah Lutheran Church conducted its groundbreaking ceremony for a new house of worship to be built on 5½ acres of land at 2000 22nd Avenue. The Building Committee was comprised of Messrs. Edward Wickert, Chairman, William Goeres, Wilbbert Hitzemann, Ronald Murray, Victor Pautz, and Jack Wieneke.

April 15, 1962: First youth class confirmed (3 youth).

August 19, 1962: The Cornerstone Laying Ceremony took place, with Rev. Armin C. Shaefer preaching the sermon at the Women’s Club temporary quarters, followed by a 35-car police-escorted motorcade to the new church building to lay the cornerstone.

1. Constitution and By-laws.

2. Membership of all souls.

3. History of congregation.

4. Brief statement of Doctrinal Position of the Missouri Synod.

5. Luther’s Small Catechism.

6. Picture of Groundbreaking Ceremony.

November 2, 1962: New church was completed
December 2-9, 1962: Dedication Week for the new church building.

April 13, 1963: First marriage in new church.
October 6, 1963: Pastor Hansen’s Farewell to assume missionary-at-large duties in Madison, Wisconsin (Pastor Benke to serve during vacancy)

June 21, 1964: Installation of Pastor G. N. Busarow as Messiah’s second pastor

August 5, 1964: First funeral (an infant)
October 1964: Altar Guild organized
June 23, 1965: His Youth chartered with Walther League
December 11, 1966: The new parsonage dedicated at 2044 24th Avenue.

August 18, 1967 – Adult Fellowship chartered with Lutheran Laymen’s League

September 28, 1967- Midweek school program began
May 15, 1969 (Ascension Day) Dedication of New Baldwin Organ

June 8, 1969 Pastor Busarow’s Farewell to serve Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Collinsville, Illinois

August 3, 1969  Installation of Pastor Gordon O. Buchholz as Messiah’s third pastor

November 15, 1970 10 year Anniversary Celebration Held- speakers Rev. Bernard Raabe and Rev. G. N. Busarow

June 20, 1971 Ordination Service for the first member of messiah to enter the preaching ministry, Raymond Schiefelbein.

October 19, 1971 Messiah’s Happy Helpers organized
April 16, 1972  Faith in Action Stewardship of Life/Debt Reduction effort began in Worship service

May 26, 1974  Began monthly worship services for the deaf in our area conducted by the Rev. Martin Kosche from Deavan, Wisconsin

As of January 1, 1975 our congregation numbered 292 communicants and 406 souls.

November 9, 1975  15 year Anniversary Celebration Held
November 15, 1975 Pastor Gordon Buchholz left to serve Redeemer Lutheran Church, Racine

February 29, 1976  Pastor James Brassfield installed as Messiah’s 4th pastor

February 19, 1978  Nutrition program for elderly began serving meals in our fellowship hall

May 21, 1978 Pastor Brassfield left to serve a missionary church in Coventry, England

June 11, 1978 Pastor Theodore Gundlach installed as Messiah’s 5th pastor

March 1980  Altar Renovation began
July 1980  Parish house painting sponsored by AAL
As of January 1, 1981, our congregation numbered 269 communicants and 338 baptized

October 5, 1986  Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration of Messiah Lutheran Church  Speakers: Seminarian Steve Hulke, Rev. Ray Schiefelbein, (both sons of the congregation) and Dr. Karl L. Barth, president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri

October 27, 1991- 30th Anniversary Celebration Held

September 19, 1993- Retirement of the debt and burning of the church mortgage

March 20, 1994  Groundbreaking for the education wing
May 7, 1995- Dedication of education wing
September 11, 1995- Little Lambs Learning Center Opens
September 1996- 35th Anniversary Celebration Held

April 5, 1998- Dedication of the Christ figure
March 28, 1999- Dedication of Chronicler III organ, built by Galanti Organ Builders, Inc.

May 23, 1999- Pastor Theodore Gundlach’s final service at Messiah upon his retirement

September 19, 1999  Installation of the Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn as Messiah’s 6th pastor

November 10, 2000- Messiah’s web page is launched at http://messiah-lcms.gatheringspot.com
October 28, 2001- Congregation has first vote to move forward with starting a joint Lutheran elementary school

November 18, 2001- Messiah’s 40th Anniversary Service held. Rev. Edwin S. Suelflow is the preacher. Revs. Ted Gundlach, Steven Hulke, and Steven Voight participate in the service.

As of November 18, 2001, our congregation numbered 317 with 262 communicant members

February 10, 2013   Installation of Rev. James A. Roemke as Messiah’s 7th pastor

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